Welcome to the Cancer Support France Sud de France Card Shop

All the cards are painted by local artists, who have donated their work to us. The proceeds of the sales of the cards go directly to support the work of Cancer Support France.

Choose any 6 cards for only 5€; any 12 for 10€; any 24 for €15; any 36 for €20.

Postage and packing is free.

To order : contact Sue Ackloo 


Free confidential support for English-speaking people touched by cancer.

Soutien gratuit aux personnes anglophones touchées par le cancer.

Fun with the gifts by Christine Brice

Robin with holly by Lynn Hall

A winter’s day by Liz Reynolds

Time for a snooze by Christine Brice

Supermoon by Liz Reynolds

Our secret by Annette Morris

The moon by Lynn Hall

Ready for Christmas by Christine Brice

Association no : WA112000594